Feb 28, 2023
This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley, is joined this week by special guest Robert DeGeorge, the Director of Product Consulting at VinSolutions, where they take a deep dive into the growing world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how AI is changing the automotive industry. AI can...
Feb 21, 2023
This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley, joined by Tianna Mick, AKA T Got Your Keys, answer questions posted on the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group. The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook group is the most interactive community in the automotive industry with over 24,500 active...
Feb 14, 2023
This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean, V., Bradley, interviews Franca Vidal, the head of his client Success department at Dealer Synergy. They discuss the challenges she’s seen at dealerships in her years as the head of a department at overseas 3,700 rooftops.
Everything from challenges with HR,...
Feb 7, 2023
This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley and LA Williams, break down how top salesmen optimize their sales strategies. How to maximize social media, how to talk to people, and manage expectations. What are the things that separate basic automotive sales associates from...